This was when we went for the Olympic Run last year. I was then uglier. Now I'm gorgeous okay? lol, kidding. Anyway we shared lots of memories which turned up laughable and funny when we talked bout them that day. Still bring fondness and they say absence makes the heart grows that way. Agreed.
Michelle is doing Bio Medic. Everyone thought she will end up doing law last time because she kinda loves to 'sut' everybody and it turned out that I am the one doing that instead. Not to say I don't retaliate last time in school. Created quite some dramas behind there, and thinking bout them, just makes me feel I was stupid and childish. Too headstrong, wanted to take every risk without much thought. Funny in a way. Learnt lessons on another. But they told me life is about falling down and picking yourself up ain't? No regrets. =)
I miss those times we sit behind there and gossip during MUET, which kinda pisses Sheila off. And during Chemistry when we sit at the furthest table in lab and placed our asses on two chairs each (I don't know why lol), and took turns to ask 'what time is it?' every five minutes. And the incident of Annie. Dramatic. And like how we 'hut' Liza in Library Board. How she spoke for me when I got mistreated in Chinese Society, being president, aka slave for Tan. Lepaked randomly in KLCC after school. Eating Spicy Pan Mee in Batu Lima every Tuesday where I will head to Piano class after and she will go dating with Navin. Bits and pieces of random stuff. Sweet and funny. =)
I do wish her all the best for her future undertakings. She still remains as one of my closest friends who I appreciate very much in my heart. Do meet in the future. =)
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