Friday, December 17, 2010

That Spur Moment

It hit pit bottom that day. I was thoroughly fed up and angry, and emotions just overwhelmed me. I had never cried so badly for a long time. I muffled my sobs with my pillow and covered my head with my blanket, screaming; tears soaking the sheets. I remember lots of dreams resurfacing after I drifted into a restless sleep. Waking up in the morning, I was exhausted for the day and even extra dose of coffee did not help ease the fatigue. The day was unproductive even I mustered my strength trying to concentrate and set aside unpleasant thoughts.

In short, I'm trying to live life by my own expectations.

I'll prove to you I'd live like a desert, if there'd be no rain. And I'd grow thorns around my body, like a cactus, when rain should not shower.


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